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Taateewwan qoricha aadaa biqiltootarraa hojjetaman irratti miidhaa Geessisan: Godina Qellam Wallaggaa Threats of plant traditional medcine: The case of Qellem Wallaga

Wayyituu Itichaa


Qorannoon kun Godina Qellam Wallaggaatti taateewwan qoricha aadaa irratti miidhaa fidan xiinxaluu irratti kan xiyyeeffateedha. Oromoon Qellam Wallaggaa bara dheeraaf qoricha aadaatti fayyadamuun dhukkuboota garaa garaa irraa hanga dhukkuboota haala salphaan hinfayyamnetti ittiin of fayyisaa turaniiru. Haa ta’u malee, yeroo ammaa kana keessatti haalli itti fayyadama qoricha aadaa isa durii irraa haphachaa dhufuun badiisaaf saaxilamaa jira. Osooo kana ta’ee jiruu kallattii kanaan qorannoon ga’aan kanirratti adeemsifame hinjiru. Kanaafuu, kaayyoon qorannoo kanaa gochaalee qorichi aadaa akka badiisaaf saaxilaman addaan baasanii xiinxaluun dhalootaaf haala kamiin darbuu akka danda’u hawaasaaf hubannoo qooduudha. Malli qorannoon kun ittiin adeemsifame mala akkamtaati. Qorannoo kana keessatti maddi ragaa maanguddoota ogeessota qoricha aadaa qopheessuun beekaman, namoota 20 hawaasa keessaa muuxannoofi hubannaa dhimma kana irratti qaban iddattoo kaayyeffataatiin filachuun, afgaaffii waliin taasisuuni. Akkasumas, barruulee bifa barreeffamaan dhimma qorannoo kanatti dhihaatan gargaarameera. Qorannoo kanaan dhiibbaaleen amantii, mootummoota darbanii, mancaatiin biqoloota irratti raawwatan, ogeessoti qoricha aadaa dhaloota dhufuuf ogummaa kana qooduuf fedhii gahaa dhabuu, hawaasi ilaalcha gaarii qoricha aadaaf dhabuun isaan ijoodha. Rakkoowwan kanneeniifis hawaasi ammayyummaa duukaa bu’ee qoricha aadaaf ilaalcha badaa sirreeffachuu akka qabu hubannoo kennuun barsiisuu, ogeessoti fedhii isaanii guutuun dhalootaaf oguma kana akka dabrsan hubachiisuun yaadi akka furmaataatti kaa’ameera. 

The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the factors that have made tradional medicine almost into disappearance in Qellam Wallagga province. For long period, the Oromoo of Qellam Wallagga has used these traditional medicines to treat even the diseases that could no be cured easily. However, now days the practices of using these traditional medicines have been seriousely threatened to the level of extinction. Inspite of these challenges, no significant research that reveals the problem and set solution for the challenges has been conducted. Theorefore, the objective of this research is to identify the challenges and to give awrness to the society so that the practices could be transferred to the next generations. The research was conducted using qualitative research methods. The data were collected through interview by identifying 20 elders who have knowledge of traditional medicines. Other related written materials were collected to supplement the sudy. The analysis of the data indicates that the impacts of religions, the policies the past consequetive Ethiopian governments introduced, the detorration of forest coverage, the marginalization of traditional medicine by physicians, and the bad image the society have developed towards these traditional medicines are the major factors that challenged the practices and the use of the traditional medicines. Thus, the study recommends that all these challeneges should be corrected and awrness creation should be made for the society in the study area so that they could develop positive view towards the use of these medicines.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2616-3985
print ISSN: 2616-3977