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Waamicha araaraafi waloomaa: xiinxala ergaawwaniifi fakkoommii sirba Galaanaa Gaaromsaa- “Duraanuu” The call for reconciliation and harmony in Oromoo popular songs: a critical analysis of themes and symbolism in Galaanaa Gaaromsaa's "Duraanuu"

Ashannaafii Balaay
Lachiisaa Fayyeeraa


Qorannoon kun humna sirboonni Oromoo dhimmoota hawaas-siyaasaa sabichaa dhiyeessuu keessatti qaban xiinxaluu irratti fuulleffata. Kaayyoon ijoo qorannichaas ergaawwan gama waloomaafi araaraa sirba Galaanaa Gaaromsaa „Duraanuu‟tiin dabarfaman xiinxaluufi akkaataa isaan ittiin dhiyaatan ibsuudha. Kaayyoo kana galmaan gahuuf mala qorannoo akkamtaa saxaxa addeessaatti dhimma bahame. Ragaaleen qabiyyee walaloofi suursagalee irraa walitti qabaman hiika aadaa, galumsa hiika dubbisaafi hiika kallattii jecha irraa fudhatamuun gadifageenyaan dubbisuun hiikkoon itti kenname. Kanaafuu, sirbichis ta‟e hafeen sirbichaa akkaataa kaayyoo qorannoo galmaan ga‟anitti  fudhataman. Xiinxala ragaalee taasisuufis galumsa hafeetti dhimma bahamee jira. Haala kanaan yaaxxinnoonni sadii: qeeqa haaraa, galumsa hawaasummaafi deebii dubbistootaa waloon xiinxala ragaaleef dhimmi itti bahamee jira. Xiinxala taasifame irraas argannoon adda baafames atakaroon hooggantoota Oromoo walooma Oromootti danqaa ta‟us, egeree Oromoof falli araaraafi tokkummaa ta‟uu akeeka. Waamichi waloomaa dhiyaate dammaqiinsa ofiifi warra biroo adda baasuu (nuyiifi isaan) bu‟uureffata. Miidhamni waloo yaadannoo waloo uumee diddaan kaleessaa akka hindagatamne taasise. Kun immoo tokkummaan dhaloota egeree cichooma sabaa ta‟uu ergaan sirba kanaa akeeka. Sirbi kun kaayyoon Oromoo sirna ganamaatti deebi‟uun ijaaruufi bakki handhuura Oromoo ta‟e, Finfinneen, iddoo walgeettii ta‟uu ibsee jira. Karaa suursagaleenis, fakkoommii bineensotaan walganuufi walhudhuu irra iftoominaan rakkoo waloo hiikkachuun akka barbaachisu akeeka. Walumaagalatti, sirbi kun akkaatummaan fakkoomii aadaan dabaalamee, qabiyyeen immoo quuqama sabaa wiirteffatee fedhii sabni waloomaafi araaraaf qabu dhiheessa. Kanarratti hundaa‟uun qorattoonni hedduminni sagalee sirboota Oromoo eessaa dhagahamanii dhimma qorannoo dirree qorannoo garagaraa ta‟uu akeeku.

Songs have artistic power to articulate socio-political issues of a society or a nation. Video and lyrical contents of Oromoo popular songs are currently addressing voices of resistance against fragmentation and are extending a call for reconciliation between political groups. This study divulges the articulation of this call for reconciliation in Galaanaa Gaaromsaa‟s recently released song „Duraanuu‟. The paper also delves into the song‟s depiction of collective sufferings that has resulted from the combat between Oromoo political leaders through mining the themes and stylistic elements of the song. A descriptive qualitative research design is employed to undertake the critical analysis of pertinent data extracted from the lyric and video clip of the song. Textual, contextual and readers‟ response data interpretation strategies informed by the combination of New Critical, Sociological and Reader Response theories have been used to analyze the song lyric and contents of the video clip. The song presents the skirmish among political groups as a hurdle to unity and vitalizes the inevitability of reconciliation and building consensus to chart a bright future for the people. In the song, the collective consciousness is presented as the root for accord which is built on recognizing the difference between the “us” and “them” binary. The call for collective consciousness is emboldened through references to shared historical agonies and collective memory. Accordingly, the song emphasizes the importance of remembering the people‟s history of defiance and resilience as a means to shape future generations to value harmony as source of power. The song also uncovers the need for building the present on the bedrocks of the glorious past, and presents Finfinnee as destination and epicenter of the restoration effort. Through using images of animals, the clip of the song depicts the importance of solving conflicts through round table discussion rather than betraying each other to cause more suffering to the people. These and other themes and stylistic features embedded in the song reveals that Oromoo popular songs, while expressing the people‟s culture, are articulating their collective discontents and aspirations. Accordingly, multidisciplinary investigations into Oromoo popular songs are fertile grounds for further research.  

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2616-3985
print ISSN: 2616-3977