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Gender Differences, Career Aspirations and Career Development Barriers of Secondary School Students in Kisumu Municipality

Quinter Migunde
John Agak
Wycliffe Odiwuor


The purpose of this study therefore is to explore gender differences in adolescents‘ career aspirations and career development barriers among secondary school students in Kisumu municipality, Kenya. The study was conducted on 348 form four secondary school students. The major findings of this study show that there are certain careers that are preferred by both males and females i.e. investigative and enterprising career types however the realistic career type was mostly chosen by males while the social career type was mostly chosen by females. Academic qualifications and lack of financial resources were found to be the major barriers s that prevent the students from aspiring for their dream careers. Males expressed lack of financial resources as the major barrier while females considered academic qualifications as their main barrier to their career development.

Keywords: career aspirations, career development barriers, secondary schools, gender

Gender & Behaviour, 10(2), December 2012

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-9231