Consumer knowledge and expertise of an industries prices, products and store location add to the ease at which consumers are able to cherry pick, they are informed of discounted prices on products as well as the product assortment of a particular store, through marketing and promotions. This article will focus on the female consumers and their motive for cherry picking. Consumers who are branded as cherry pickers are price sensitive shoppers with no brand loyalty but this market segment has been found to be potentially attractive for retailers, contrary to the myth that they are a retailers‘ nemesis. The conducted research established that female South African consumers are able to confidently cherry pick because of their product and price knowledge. The research findings concluded that gender has an influence on the knowledge that the South African grocery consumers have on product prices, the types of stores and product assortment.
Keywords: Female consumers, Consumer knowledge, Cherry picking, consumer, Brand loyalty, South African grocery retailers
Gender & Behaviour, 10(2), December 2012