Domestic violence is a pattern of violent behaviour including physical, sexual and psychological attacks as well as economic coercion used against intimate partner. This study is aimed at creating awareness of the dental implications of domestic violence against women in Nigeria, to demonstrate that Dental professionals are in the position to recognize such abuse so that early identification, appropriate intervention and long term solutions can be provided. Clinical data were collected on 538 female adult attendants in a private clinic in Benin City for a period 2 ½ years and analysed by Microsoft excel package. A total of 538 female studied for domestic violence, 13 or 2.28% suffered physical assault from their partners. Out of the 13 (thirteen) victims 6 (six) or forty-six percent (46%) were assaulted by their husbands while boyfriends assaulted 7 or fifty – four percent (54%). Higher educational status of the victims correlated positively with early presentation at the clinic. However, it was observed that 11 (eleven) out of the 13 (thirteen) presented first in pharmacy shops for treatment. There was no police report in all of these 13 (thirteen) cases of domestic violence. Although this study is limited, the result, points to the fact that injury from domestic violence in the oral facial region is not uncommon.