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Determination of Physicochemical Characteristics of Feldspar Deposits in Zango Daji, Kogi State Using Geophysical and Geochemical Methods
To determine the physicochemical characteristics of feldspar in the study area, eighteen fresh rock samples were randomly collected. The photographs and locational coordinates of sample points were taken using a sledgehammer, geologist’s hammer, camera, and global positioning system device. Thin sections of freshly prepared samples were observed under hand lenses and microscope. The remaining samples were subjected to geochemical and mineralogical analysis. The chemical analysis of the collected feldspar samples showed its type and quality. It meets the British International Standard specification for the production of various products of the feldspar family. Furthermore, the electrical resistivity tomography survey was conducted by the Vertical Electrical Sounding technique in a Schlumberger Electrode Array to determine the significant resistivity contrast between the feldspar and the compact bedrock in the profile. The resistivity data were processed into Resists curves and subjected to inversion with WinResist software to obtain a 1 - D modeling of Iso – resistivity and Isopach maps of overburden and target minerals. Furthermore, the percentage composition of Oxide of K2O, using X-ray fluorescent Spectrometry showed it contained 17.1958 mass %. These figures are far greater than Calcium and Sodium contents. The study also revealed the occurrence of feldspar deposits hosted by granitic and pegmatitic intrusives. Geochemical results showed average Si2O, Al2O3, K2O, Na2O, CaO, and Fe2O3, contents of 59.54 mass %, 17.83 mass %, 17.19 mass %, 2.33 mass %, 0.08 mass %, and 1.60 mass % respectively while mineralogical results revealed it is orthoclase in view of its high alumina content of 17.83 percent. Field and petrographic evidence showed a potential source of gemstones and niobium.