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Water Quality at Wastewater Discharge Site, Treatment Plant and Distribution Systems

Chikodi N. Ehumadu


Effluent from wastewater treatment plant may be acceptable, however, changes can occur as it travels through distribution systems. This research is aimed at determining the quality of the wastewater sourced from Awba Dam. It also determines the efficacy of the raw water treatment, and its reticulation process. The raw was treated using different unit operations such as sedimentation, Filtration, Coagulation and Chlorination. The treated water was conveyed using pipe distribution system to different storage facility. Water samples were collected at 2 weeks interval using standard procedures of APHA and EPA. Most of the physico-chemical parameters meet International Standards except for Cl,- Ca2+, Mg2+and Na+ with data ranging from 11.4- 18.1mg/1 for Cl-, 62-68mg/1 for Ca2+, 6.5-7.8mg,1 for Mg2+ and 215-350mg/1 for Na+ at 6 sampling points. The treatment process used was not effective in the reduction of BOD5 and Total Aerobic Count of isolated organisms (Bacillusspp, Pseudomonas) with data ranging from 0.3-1mg/1 for BOD5 and 1.5´103- 2.1´ 10cfus/ml for Total Aerobic Count. Recommends such as usage of effective treatment methods, disinfection of storage tanks, flushing of lines in the vicinity of break, application of disinfectant and removal of ageing pipes were highlighted.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2579-0617
print ISSN: 2579-0625