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Crop Water Simulation Using CropWAT Model for Climate Change Mitigation

Chikodi N. Ehumadu


Uncertainties caused by population increase and adverse climate change impact affect global food sufficiency and water availability. This can be tackled using crop models, an innovative, dynamic and robust approach. The study was conducted in the southwestern city of Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. The study is aimed at determining the crop water requirement of Corchorus Olitorus and the feasibility of utilizing the CropWAT model for effective water management and mitigate climate change impact. An automatic weather station was used in obtaining meteorological data of the study area. Soil characteristics and the study crop growth parameters were determined through standard procedures. FAO recommended CropWAT model determine the potential evapotranspiration, crop growth co-efficient, irrigation requirement and water stress co-efficient. Data obtained indicated that crop growth coefficient ranged from 0.44-0.92, 1.53-2.68mm/day was obtained as the mean actual crop water use. Crop irrigation requirement showed a mean value ranging from 0.93-3.83mm/day. The simulated water use was efficient recording a deficit of zero. CROPWAT model showed ease in application and a high level of reliability in effective water management for climate change mitigation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2579-0617
print ISSN: 2579-0625