The full Author's Guidelines can be viewed at this link

FJST is a peer reviewed scientific journal dedicated to publish research papers, reviews and short communications in all areas of science and technology such as Environmental sciences, Pure and Applied mathematics, Engineering, Biological sciences, Medicine and allied Medical sciences, Physics, Geosciences, Computer science, Statistics, Chemistry etc. FJST publishes original research papers, critical up to date and concise reviews on topic of current interest, short communications and case reports. Submission of manuscript will be held to imply that the work is original, that the results have not been previously published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere and further, that if accepted will not be published elsewhere. Two issues will be published annually.

Submission of papers
Papers should be submitted in electronic form through e-mails as attachments to the Editor- in-Chief.
Referee Suggestions
In the covering letter, authors should suggest names and addresses with e-mails of at least 3 experts in the field of evaluation of manuscript. The choice of referees will however remain with the editorial board.
Manuscript should be neatly typed (Times, New Roman 12) in English, double spaced on A4 format with 2.5cm margin on all sides. Receipt of papers will be acknowledged and authors will be informed of the referee‟s comments.
Manuscript types
a. Full-length Paper (Original paper, maximum 25 pages)
b. Review (Maximum 40 pages)
c. Short communications (Maximum 10 pages)
d. Case report (Maximum 10 pages)

Submission of paper for publication implies the transfer of the copyright from the author(s) to the publisher upon acceptance. Accepted papers becomes the permanent property of FJST and will not be reproduced by any means without the written consent of the Editor in Chief.

FJST will be published bi-annually (June and December). The journal will be published online and in print (hardcopy)

FJST operates an online submission system. Referees may ask to see hard copies of electronic figures for clarification; these must be available immediately on request. For enquiries regarding submissions, please contact the Editorial Office < editor(AT)>
All papers must be in English. Non-English speaking authors who do not have a good command of English are advised to seek assistance from someone who has. Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally
edited before submission to improve the English language. Authors will receive an immediate acknowledgement of receipt of their paper followed, normally within four months, by a decision.

Papers should not normally exceed 6000 words, including relevant data. Any manuscript submitted that, in the opinion of the Editor, is too long will be returned to the corresponding author for redrafting within a suggested maximum wordage.
Type papers in double spacing on A4 or 8½" × 11" paper with 30 mm wide left and right margins. Underlining to indicate italicized type should be restricted to genera and species names, chemical descriptors (e.g. cis , trans , etc.) and journal and book titles. Do not underline any headings. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and indicated by * or †. Abbreviations of chemical and other names should be defined when first mentioned in the body of the paper, unless commonly used and internationally known and accepted. Each page should be numbered individually.
Units and nomenclature
Units Use SI units in accord with the recommendations of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). (See Appendix I, below.) Use the form g kg -1, etc. (not %) to specify content/composition/concentration. Use % only to express proportional change. Note that the form g
100g -1, etc. is not correct. Avoid the use of g per 100g, for example in food/feed composition, by using g kg -1. Fertiliser rates should be presented in terms of the element applied. Further information on the ISO recommendations can be obtained from the following publication issued by the British Standards Institution, London: Specification for SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units , BS 5555 : 1993 ISO 1000 : 1992.
Write all symbols, formulae and equations with great care. Unusual symbols (including Greek lettering) should be defined in words in the left margin at the first mention. Scientific names Give the scientific names (with authority) for plants, animals, microorganisms, with generic names in full at the first mention, e.g. Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Thereafter abbreviate them in the text, e.g. M. persicae . Give them in full (without authority) in the headings of sections and tables, in figure captions and in keywords. Where appropriate, cultivars should be specified. Enzyme nomenclature Identify each enzyme together with its EC number, if available, at the first mention, following the recommendations of the latest edition of Enzyme Nomenclature . Chemical nomenclature Use the current systematic IUPAC nomenclature throughout.
Statistical analyses
Particular care should be taken to ensure that the appropriate statistical analyses have been carried out. The methods used should be described concisely, yet with enough information to explain how the chosen methods have been applied to the data. The form of all experimental errors and their statistical significance must be given clearly. The statistical analyses should be used in the discussion to justify inferences made against the background of normal biological variation.
The main body of the paper should be divided into unnumbered sections and each given an appropriate heading. Main headings should be capitalized and centered over the text. Choice of headings will depend on the content, but the following is recommended for research papers: Title This should be concise and specific and should explain the nature of the work. State in a footnote if the paper was given, in whole or in part, at a scientific meeting.
Running title A running title of up to 80 characters should also be provided.
Authors' names Each must have the customary forename in full and initials for any further forenames (e.g. Arthur B Smith). Give the full address(es) where the work was done. If an author was on secondment or visiting from another address, or has since moved to a new address, this should be given in a footnote. Provide an e-mail address for the corresponding author.
Abstract For original research articles, we now require a compound abstract. This must contain fewer than 200 words in a three-part format with three uppercase headed sections. BACKGROUND: provides a rationale for the study (understandable to a broad audience) and states the main aim(s). RESULTS: describes the main findings, including important numerical values. CONCLUSION: provides the main conclusions, including why the results are significant and advance the field. For other article types the abstract is not structured in three parts but must be informative yet concise, give essential information such as the purpose of the paper, and be intelligible without reference to the paper itself. It should not normally exceed 150-200 words (abstracts for Perspectives should be briefer, and for Spotlights, should not exceed 1-2 sentences). Authors should remember that the abstract is often the only portion of a paper read (as in abstracting journals) and the use of unusual acronyms or abbreviations should be avoided.
Keywords List (4-6 words) all the main topics incorporated in the paper, including any already given in the title.
Introduction Include a clear description of the aims of the investigation (without summarising the work itself) and a brief statement of previous relevant work with references.
Methodology State clearly, in sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated, the methods and materials used. Only new techniques and modifications to known methods need to be described in detail but known methods must have adequate references. Include the name, postal town and country of the supplier or manufacturer of any chemical or apparatus not in common use. Give the statistical design (including replication) of each experiment where appropriate (see also Statistical analyses, above). Results Present these concisely, using tables or illustrations for clarity; do not list the results again in the text. State clearly the form of the experimental error and the statistical significance of the results (see also Statistical analyses, above). Do not overstate the precision of the measurements. Histograms or bar charts, unless prepared carefully, are inferior to tables. Only in exceptional circumstances will both tables and illustrations based on them be accepted.
Discussion The Results should be followed by a concise section to discuss and interpret them. Do not just repeat the results.
Conclusions Do not merely repeat content of preceding sections. The Discussion and Conclusions sections may be merged.
Acknowledgements Keep these to the absolute minimum. Avoid thanks for permission to publish.
References It is most important that references should be checked carefully and be in the Vancouver style.
Refer to unpublished work only in the text (Smith AB, unpublished), (Brown CD, pers. comm.). References to the literature should be indicated by numerical superscripts 1 numbered in order of appearance 2,3 and following any punctuation. 4–6 References should be listed in numerical order at the end of the paper, giving all the authors, with forename initials after the respective surnames. Ensure that all references in the list are cited in the text and vice versa. Give the date and full title of the paper in the language in which it appeared or an accurate English translation. Abbreviate all journal titles as in Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts and the annual BIOSIS List of Serials , without using full stops after abbreviation. If the journal is not included, give its title in full. Volume numbers should be bold. Note the following style and order for journals:
1. Syers JK, Mackay AD, Brown MW and Currie LD, Chemical and physical characteristics of phosphate rock materials of varying reactivity. J Sci Food Agric 37: 1057-1064 (1986).
Articles published online but not yet assigned to an issue may be cited using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) :
2. Goodman BA and Newton AC, Effects of drought stress and its sudden relief on free radical processes in barley. J Sci Food Agric DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.1938 (2004)

Quote books as follows:
3. Doyle J, Altered Harvest . Agriculture , Genetics and the Fate of the World's Food Supply . Viking Penguin Inc., New York, pp. 136-158 (1985).
4. Thomas T, Barnes A and Hole CC, Modification of plant part relationships in vegetable crops, in Chemical Manipulation of Growth and Development , ed. by McLaren JS. Butterworths, London, pp. 297-311 (1982).
Online citations to online-only journals and books should include the author, title, website and date of access:
5. Wright NA, The Standing of UK Histopathology Research 1997 – 2002. [7 October 2004].
All other online citations should be cited only in the text, with the author's name and the website address: (Brown CD (
When quoting patents, give the name of the applicant, the year of publication, the title, the country and patent or application number thus:
6. Hagner MB and Wendt KL, Method of sorting seeds. UK Patent 1470133 (1977). Tables Supply each table on a separate sheet. The table number (given as an arabic numeral) should be given at the top, followed by a concise title. Give essential details as footnotes. Keep the number of
columns to a minimum. Column headings should be brief, with the units of measurement clearly stated in parentheses. Where one unit applies to all the data in the body of the table include it in the title. The data should be easy to follow without horizontal lines between entries. A zero is often incorrect; use 'not detected' (ND) where appropriate, amplifying this, and trace (tr), where possible in a footnote, e.g. '≤10
µg kg -1'. For 'not significant' (NS) state the limiting level. Cite all tables in the text, in numerical order at
first mention.
Illustrations Number all illustrations consecutively, in order of appearance in the text, using arabic numerals. Keep lettering on illustrations to a minimum and include essential details in the legend. Photomicrographs must have a scale bar. On graphs, include labels and units on axes. Present logarithmic scales with arithmetic numbering 0.1, 1, 10, 100 rather than -1, 0, 1, 2. Avoid unnecessarily long axes that lead to large blank spaces on graphs. Save each figure as a separate file and include the source file (i.e. a file in the program in which the image was originally created). The figures should be of high resolution (300 dpi minimum for photos, 800 dp  minimum for graphs, drawings, etc., at the size the figure will be printed). Numbers and symbols incorporated in the figure must be large enough to be legible after reduction in figure size. We cannot publish scans or photocopied figures or accept PowerPoint, Excel, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), LaTeX, Roshal Archive (RAR) or Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Suitable file types include Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and Microsoft Word (doc) files. You must have appropriate permission to reproduce previously published figures. Each figure must be accompanied by a legend. A legend should consist of a concise title, followed by a brief technical description which should contain enough information to make the figure understandable without reference to the text. It should not contain methods. Symbols indicated in the figure must be identified in the legend.
Electrophoresis patterns These are complex. Photographs, which often lack clarity, should not be included except to make a particular point. Where the reporting of gel electrophoresis, SDS gels, immunoelectrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, etc. is essential, adhere to the following principles:
 a single zone requires only description in the text
 preferably claim homogeneity using a scan diagram
 preferably use a single gel to compare several tracks
 when scan diagrams are used, accurate alignment is essential
Where photographs or scan diagrams must be used:
 number all zones and identify those common to more than one track
 give a molecular weight scale for SDS gels
 give experimental details and track identification in the legend
Please note: The journal does accept colour figures and photographs, but there is a charge to authors to cover the additional production costs involved in printing colour. Under exceptional circumstances, authors may request that these charges be waived. This must be provided in writing, at the time of submission, and authors must justify to the Editor that inclusion of the figure(s) in colour is essential for interpretation of the results presented.
Chemical structures Prepare these on a separate sheet as described for illustrations and number the individual formulae with roman numerals ( I , II ). All bonds, charges and free radicals should be accurately positioned. Indicate aromatic and unsaturated heterocyclic systems using double bonds.
Preferably use general structures, distinguishing related compounds by substituents R 1, R 2 etc.
Supporting information JSFA accepts submission of supporting information. This may include extensive tables, graphs, spectra, calculations, and other material beyond that which is essential to the printed paper. This will be included in the online edition of the Journal but will not be part of the printed article. Supporting information should be denoted as such when submitting via Manuscript Central. It should be uploaded as a separate file at the time the manuscript is submitted for peer review.

If the manuscript contains extracts, including illustrations from other copyright works (including material from online or intranet sources), it is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission from the owners of the publishing rights to reproduce such extracts using the Wiley Permission Request Form. Permission grants should be submitted with the manuscript.

Author submitting a manuscript containing in vivo animal work should submit details of all relevant Ethics Committee approval and authorization (e.g. institute and/or government) and all reference numbers. Details will be printed as a footnote to the paper.

Proofs will be e-mailed as a PDF file to the corresponding author, whose e-mail address must be supplied on the manuscript. Proofs must be corrected and returned to the publishers within 48 hours of receipt; failure to do this will result in a delay in publication. Authors' corrections must be restricted to printers' and/or factual errors.

Upon acceptance of a paper by the Journal, the author(s) will be asked to sign a transfer of copyright of the paper to SCI. The transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. Where an article is prepared jointly, the corresponding author must obtain either the signature(s) of the co-author(s) to this Agreement or their written behalf.

The Journal of Science and Technology now provides authors with Wiley-Blackwell‟s Accepted Articles service, whereby peer reviewed, accepted articles, are published online within days of acceptance, without having been copyedited or typeset. The articles are available as a PDF and can be cited using their Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers. For more information on DOIs, please see Please note, as Accepted Articles are not considered to be final, changes may be made after the Accepted Article online publication date. Once copyedited and typeset, the article will be removed from the Accepted Articles area and will appear instead in Early View. The implementation of the Accepted Articles service has been designed to ensure the earliest possible circulation of research papers immediately after acceptance, considerably reducing time to publication.

The aim of publishing a Short Communication article is to provide the readers with useful and novel results or information that do not warrant publication as a full research paper. These should be submitted to online where authors should specify the article to be a Short Communication as the „Manuscript Type‟. Authors should include a note to the Editor detailing why the paper is of interest to the readership, and why the short format is preferred. The maximum total manuscript length is 8 pages of A4, double spaced, font size not less than 11 pt. This must include all tables, diagrams and references. The manuscript should contain a compound abstract; a brief introduction; details of experimental procedures in sufficient detail to allow replication of the experiment; results, either tabular or graphical (any diagrams must not be less than the width of a single column); conclusions; references. Short Communication articles will be subjected to peer review.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2630-6921
print ISSN: 2504-9534
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