Manuscripts should mainly include the following sections: Title page, abstract (250 words max), main body (introduction, theoretical framework, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion recommendations), and references.

General steps:

1. The manuscript should be 10 to 12 pages excluding title page, abstract, references and annex.
2. The preferred font of the Journal is Times New Roman. The font size is 12 with single space.
3. APA (American Psychological Association) is used as the method in sources citation process. Details about APA format can be found here:
4. All documents should be submitted as MS Word (compatibility mode) ‘doc’ file.
5. All submission should be submitted to
6. Similarity Index must be below 30%

1. Title

The title should be concise and describe the contents of the paper. It should be typed in ‘upper-case’ letters. The ‘title page’ should include the authors' full names (surname first, followed by initial(s)), e.g. Abu, S. and Adekola, J.A. with their respective affiliations. The name of the corresponding author should be identified by the use of asterisk with phone number and a functional e-mail address.

2. Abstract

The Abstract should be informative, concise and self-explanatory. It should not be more than 250 words; justified with single line spacing. The abstract should capture the content of the paper including the methods used and the principal results. No literature should be cited within the abstract.

3. Key words

Following the abstract, five key words should be provided.

4. Introduction

The Introduction should clearly provide a significance of the study, problem statement, relevant literature on the subject issue, and the proposed approach of the study. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.

5. Materials and methods

This section should be complete and clear enough to allow experiments to be replicated. However, truly novel procedures should be described in detail; previously published procedures should be cited, and important modifications of these procedures should be described. Trade names should be capitalized. Sub-headings should be used where appropriate.

6. Results and discussion

This section should contain results and discussion. However, authors are at liberty to present the two separately. Results should be presented with clarity and precision using figures, tables, charts, etc., where necessary. In case where the results are separated from the discussion, the results should be presented without making reference to the literature. The discussion should interpret the findings of the research and where necessary, should include a critical comparison with previously reported findings.

Result Presentation formats

a. Tables

Tables should be self-explanatory and positioned appropriately within the text. Vertical lines should be avoided. A short descriptive title (in sentence case) should be provided at the top of every table. All tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals. The same data should not be presented in tabular and graphical form, or repeated in the text.

b. Figures

Figures should be prepared using applications capable of generating high resolution graphics such as GIF, TIFF, JPEG or PowerPoint before pasting on the prepared manuscripts. Titles should be in sentence case, and placed below the figures. The figures should be numbered serially using Arabic numerals.

6. Conclusion and recommendations

This section should contain the answers to the research questions (or specific objectives met) and concise conclusion(s) for the study drawn. Recommendations for future research direction with respective to the present could be preferred in this section.

7. Acknowledgements

Acknowledgments (if any) should be brief.

8. References

The American Psychology Association (APA) system of referencing should be used. If you need the APA style guide for referencing you can contact the Journal Editor through the e-mail stated above. Note also that the Journal values recent citations. Except is exceptional cases (which should be justified), 10%-20% of citations should be within the last five years.

Other information

• Please do not break your pages and there should be no paginations.
• All inquiries should be directed to
• You can access previous issues on

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2465-6992
print ISSN: 2504-9496
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