Author fees

This journal charges authors a N5000  processing fee and  N20000 publication, if the paper is accepted.

Publisher Information

Federal University Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture

Peer review

Each manuscript submitted is reviewed by two reviewers via a blind peer review process. Our reviewers must have a PhD in their relevant fields and the journal editorial office keeps a data base of reviewers. The data base is constantly updated. The decisions and comments of the reviewers are carefully studied by the editorial board in a second stage review process before sending back the reviewed manuscript to authors. A manuscript must be accepted by both reviewers to stand a chance of scaling through the second stage of the review process that is done by the editorial board. The editorial board takes the final decision on publication of a manuscript. The members of the advisory board are occasionally invited to assist in making decisions on publication in cases where the editorial board is unable reach a consensus. Manuscript submitted for review often take not less than a month to be reviewed and returned by reviewers. Reviewers are paid a token as honorarium for their services.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes 4 issues in 1 volume a year.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2465-6992
print ISSN: 2504-9496