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The impact of fadama development project on the living standard of dry season farmers of Gombe state.
the Fadama loan in all the local government areas of Gombe state. The result showed that the income of the farmers has increased significantly as a result of Fadama project activities. Farmers were able to purchase more personal belongings. The Fadama development project has also improved the living
standard of the loan benefiting members in the state in term of possession of more personal belongings, modern housing and social infrastructures. One major problem facing the project is the conflict between farmers and pastoralists. This has
affected dry season farming in certain areas of the state as life and property were lost and or damaged during such conflicts. Other problems included high cost of petrol, lack of good market, small size of holding, land tenure system, lack of active
apex association, poor government support and inputs(seeds, fertilizers and pesticides) availability in rural areas. To sustain and improve upon the level achieved the state agricultural development project should to be funded adequately.