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An Assessment Of Compliance Of Building Construction Projects With Environmental Impact Assessment Requirements In Nigeria
indirect impacts on the environment by displacement of communities and destruction of their farmlands and economic trees, among other things. These pose threats to the existence of man and the sustenance of natural vegetation. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is encapsulated as a practicable management tool designed to address likely environmental problems that may develop on the construction processes. The EIA decree in Nigeria enacted in 1992 stipulates mandatory implementation in some special projects including building projects. However, statistics obtained with the Federal Ministry of Environment show that the level of its activities is not significant as at June 2006. A regression analysis revealed an ANOVA p-value of 0.030, less than the critical value of
significance (0.050). The concerns generated as the result of this therefore, require a deliberate strategy of integrating EIA in the processes of project cycles. For an appreciable level of implementation, the allied professionals involved in the process
should be updated with the workings and current challenges of EIA.