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Influence of political economy mechanisms on the International Climate Agreements: A review and case studies

E.J. Ihemezie
K.P. Adeosun
E.E. Omeje


This study examined the political economy mechanisms influencing International Climate Agreements (ICAs) and the negotiating states. Using the climate policy trajectories of the U.S and India, the study demonstrates that domestic political economy factors are what determine the behaviour and commitments of states in international climate negotiations. These factors include but not limited to the features of a nation’s domestic political landscape such as its internal political system, economic structures, environmental vulnerability, and social institutions. These factors interplay to modify and constrain states’ decisions on both domestic and foreign matters. Several agreements have been made over the years based on the consensus of member states but their commitments and implementations have also continued to widen and vary due to these varying political economy factors. For sustainable success to be made in ICAs, stakeholders are required to pay attention to these factors since its aggregate influence play a critical role in determining the success of global GHGs mitigation and adaptation campaigns. It was therefore recommended that ICAs could be better achieved when efforts to assist member states in dealing with their political economy challenges are incorporated in negotiating plan.