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Assessing the Abuse of Professional Practices in the Nigerian Construction Processes
In order to contain and curtail the harmful and negative consequences posed by abuse of professional practices in the Nigerian Construction Industry, it is important to envisage the construction phase that records the highest frequency of abuse in the Industry. It is presumed that, this can be a step forward in mitigating abuse of professional practices in the Nigerian Construction Industry. This research was carried out to envisage the construction stage that are prone to severe abuse of professional practices among the three phases; Planning & Design Phase (PDP), Pre-qualification & Tendering Phase (PQTP) and Execution & Completion Phase (ECP) in the Nigerian Construction Industry. A quantitative research approach was systematically employed were semi structured questionnaire was design and administered to the major stakeholders (consultants, clients and contractors) in the Nigerian Construction Industry. Ranking was used to determine the phase that are susceptible to abuse of professional practices than others and ANOVA was further deployed to investigate whether there is significant different in the respondents view point. From the findings made, it was concluded that Pre-qualification and Tendering Phase (PQTP) was the most susceptible to abuse of professional practices in the entire construction processes. The respondents were in the view that although dozens of abuse of professional practices are uncovered each year in different construction phases certainly more cases are occurred frequently at bidding/tendering stage than others. In addition, from ANOVA we concluded that there is significant difference in the opinions of the consultants to that of clients and contractors in the context they all view what abuse of professional practices is all about.