“FARMHOUSE Ciência & Tecnologia” publishes original articles (a unique result due to its originality, such as the results of master's dissertations or doctoral theses), reviews (theoretical-methodological foundations of processes, reviews of scientific trends or theoretical and methodological positions or other similar articles), academic essays (opinionated texts to discuss a given topic, of theoretical and scientific relevance, with a theoretical basis in books, magazines, published articles, among others) and book reviews (informative, descriptive and opinionated text about a given work).

The contribution must be original and unpublished, and cannot have been published or be under review by another journal.

The journal is published twice a year, but this does not prevent the publication of special editions whenever necessary. Its publications are in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The journal has a multidisciplinary focus, with a broad spectrum that covers Social and Human Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering and Medical Sciences.

The works must be submitted in docx format, with a maximum of twenty (20) pages and a minimum of five (5) (including graphs and tables) and must develop the theme in depth with a clear and intelligible style, but with scientific rigor. The text of the article must be formatted according to the standards: A4 sheet, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins, 6 points of spacing between paragraphs, justified text and paginated at the top, to the right side. 

Articles must be accompanied by a cover page containing:

  • The title of the work, without the word “Title”;
  • The name of the author(s);
  • Title of the author(s);
  • Higher Education Institution (or other) to which the author is affiliated;
  • Country;
  • email;
  • Telephone;
  • ORCID code;
  • Type of publication. Original (__), Review (___), Essay (___), Review (___).

Structure of articles resulting from original work:

Title: must be written in the original language of the article, in capital letters and bold; in English, in lowercase letters; but with the initial letter capitalized and in bold; and in Spanish or Portuguese, as appropriate, in the same way. Always duly justified and without a full stop. (The word title should not be included)

Authors: authors should not be identified anywhere in the text of the article (only on the title page), to ensure anonymity among reviewers. The maximum number of authors is five.

Abstract: in the original language of the article, in English (Abstract), and in Spanish or Portuguese, as appropriate. It should contain only 250 words in a single paragraph and should essentially be a summary of the problem addressed, stating the objective and a brief reference to the study population and referring to the importance of the research.

Keywords, Palabras Clave or Keywords (between 3 and 5), inserted just below the abstract, in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons and ending with a full stop.

Introduction: address the problematic situation, the problem and its justification. Using verbal resources and connectors, refer to the object of study, objectives and hypotheses, and express these elements directly. Mention relevant methods in the study and explain how you used such methods in the research. Explain the population and sample in a concise manner and supported by data. The place where the study was carried out, the sampling technique used, as well as; the type of study that is presented.

Development: data will be presented in an objective and clear manner; analysis of the results will be carried out using tables and graphs that clearly and in detail display the results of the research.

Conclusions: these will be listed, direct, short and directly related to the title, objectives and results of the work; more than one conclusion should appear.

Recommendations: (optional): in correspondence with the conclusions.

Bibliographic References: According to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. All authors cited in the text, and only them, must be present in the bibliographic references, with complete information. After the bibliographic references, no other structure (attachments and images) will be shown.

Tables and figures will be included in the body of the article according to the text, with the title of the figure or graph at the top of the figure in bold font size 12. Tables and figures will appear properly centered, including their captions, for inclusion in the text of the article. Authors must ensure that images, tables and other materials from other authors used in their work do not have copyright protection or that they have permission to use, reproduce or disseminate in different media, digital or printed. The submitted and published content is the responsibility of the authors.

Bold text will not be used in parts of the text that are not structures (title, abstract, keywords, introduction, population and samples, analysis of results, conclusion and bibliographical references). Italics will be used to write foreign words and/or Latin words, as well as indentation at the beginning of each paragraph, in accordance with APA standards.

In the case of review articles academic essays and book reviews, they can follow the traditional typology of scientific articles: Introduction, Development, Conclusions and Bibliographic References.

Note: works will be sent to the magazine, located at the headquarters of the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Ciência e Tecnologia (INSUTEC), through the following email address: revista@insutec.ao . Or through the magazine's website:  revista.insutec.ao

Thank you for your contribution.



Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2959-3409
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