About the Journal
Author fees
The journal charges no fees to authors. It is Diamond Open Access.
Publisher Information
The Conversational School of Philosophy
Peer review
This journal operates three layers of review, one editorial review and a double-blind peer-review process, where two anonymous reviewers review anonymised manuscripts. Authors should expect the Editor to reach (and inform them of) a decision, including recommending corrections, if any, or acceptance/rejection of any manuscript within three months of receipt. It is important to note that Editors are not committed to the views expressed in articles. Authors must take the time to proofread their works. Poorly written and incoherent articles would be summarily rejected during Editorial review. Where an editor judges a manuscript to be of high quality after editorial review, one blind review only may be carried out. Only manuscripts that meet the required standard would move on to the peer review stage (Please see https://cspafrica.org/ezumezu/)
Publication Scheduling
We publish one issue in July-September.