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E-records readiness in the ESARBICA region: Challenges and the way forward
• Their creation, use and preservation requires acquisition of costly hardware and software.
• The archivist and records manager may be required to undergo re-training in the use of information technology in order to be conversant with the management of e-records.
• Preservation of e-records is determined by the storage media which are quickly becoming obsolete.
• Training institutions where archivists and records managers are being trained locally may be lacking in personnel to teach e-records management.
However, today a lot of government records are being created with the use of information technology. There is also an increase in online transactions through e-mails and the internet. Such transactions need to be captured in the institutional records management system for accountability and good governance. National archives in the ESARBICA region, however, seems to be shying away from their core responsibility of safeguarding the documented heritage of their respective countries in whatever format (including electronic). This article, therefore, endeavours to examine the e-readiness of each of the ESARBICA national archives and establish the reasons that may have contributed to the current state of affairs.