The management of records is very often given low priority in organizations, and universities are no exception in this. As stated in the quotation above, one of the principal functions of universities is the storage of knowledge. However, in as much as universities provide excellent facilities and services in the provision of library materials, some of our universities are unable to manage the records they create. Records document all the activities of the organization. It cannot therefore be overstated that failure to control records under one’s control is not just a minor lapse in administrative activities, but in most cases it is a matter of bad management. Today, information is seen as a resource comparable to finance, workers and equipment. This article addresses some of the issues which should be examined by any university striving to establish an effective records management programme for its semi-current and non-current records. In the recent past we have witnessed an increase in articles contributed to this journal based on university records. Most of these articles have highlighted various problems currently affecting the creation, maintenance, use and disposal of university records.
ESARBICA Journal Vol.21 2002: 32-40