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An Accountability Framework for Archival Appraisal
It is not surprising then that we should look to our processes to see how they are accountable to our stakeholders. And central to any concept of archival accountability is our understanding of the records we seek to preserve. In this way the remarkable impact of modern information and communications technologies on the conception, creation, use and preservation of records requires us to not only refine our understanding of what we mean by records but also how we accountably fulfil such a core function as appraising them. It is my goal to outline a framework for understanding archival appraisal accountability. The paper begins by describing archival appraisal as a business process of archivists that is executed within archival institutions and goes on to address apparaisal principles and ethics. It concludes by suggesting that an essential component of any accountability framework is determining for how long archivists are accountable.
ESARBICA Journal Vol.23 2004: 51-61