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The state of records management at the University of Zimbabwe

Njabulo Bruce Khumalo
Samson Mutsagondo
Tafadzwa Zawi


Records management is the lifeblood of effective and efficient service provision in any organisation including institutions of higher learning. Over the years, decision-makers have had to learn it the hard way as their sidestepping of records management has in some cases led to litigation, financial loss, and the failure to locate important records or even recover after a disaster. However, a number of organisations have come to realise the need to manage records throughout their life cycle. The current study came against the backdrop of the establishment of the administrative records management function at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ). This noble development called for an analysis of the state of the records management at the UZ. Such an analysis would unpack and or reveal the status quo and thus inform any developments needed to establish or strengthen the records management function at the UZ. A qualitative research methodology and a case study research design were applied. The study findings pointed to the absence of a records management system within the eleven faculties at the UZ. Moreover, records were neglected, and records of enduring value were not preserved for posterity. The study recommends the establishment of a university archive and the development of records management tools such as the records policy, retention, and disposal schedule, and the records procedures manual, among other recommendations.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0376-4753