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Digital curation of records at the National Archives of Zambia
The Zambian government enacted the Electronic Government Act of 2021 to provide for digital transformation of government services. Through the SMART Zambia Institute, Zambia has been rolling out digital government services with the aim of improving service delivery and bettering the lives of Zambians. Digital transformation has resulted in the generation of electronic records which require curation and preservation in digital formats by the National Archives of Zambia (NAZ) for posterity. Therefore, this paper assessed the preparedness of the NAZ for digital records curation in light of Zambia’s digital government. Using qualitative research methods and the Digital Preservation Capability Maturity Model (DPCMM), preparedness was assessed using parameters of awareness, knowledge and skills capabilities, and adequacy of infrastructure. A total of five (5) senior archivists in management positions were purposively selected and recruited to participate in interviews. The data were analysed using thematic analysis and presented using themes. Results revealed that there are efforts by the NAZ towards digital transformation including on-going engagement with the SMART Zambia institute on capacity building, establishment of, and recruitment of an ICT expert to lead ICT section and amendment of the National Archives Act of 1995 to ensure responsiveness to digital transformation. However, results also showed that the NAZ in its current state is inadequately prepared for digital records curation as participants showed limited awareness, were not knowledgeable in digital records curation and lacked the skills to champion digital records curation. Results also revealed inadequate infrastructure capabilities as there was no institutional policy and strategy to guide digital records curation at NAZ. Based on the findings, this paper ranked preparedness for digital records curation at level one or minimal preparedness “in which no systematic digital preservation program exists” or records management programme exits only on paper. Therefore, the study recommends training of archivist in digital records curation; revision of the NAZ Act and records management policy to include digital curation; investment in relevant infrastructure including a secure digital repository for preservation of records.