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The ‘invisible hand’ of archives and records management in the Malawi 2063 vision

McDonald Mike Baluti


Transparency, accountability, and well-informed decision-making are key components of Malawi's growth plan, the Malawi 2063 Vision. Proper archives and records management serves as the foundation for the Malawi 2063 aspirations. This crucial element is disregarded, though. This article looks at how important archives and records management is   to Malawi's 2063 vision. The study highlights the opportunities and challenges facing Malawi's archives and records management through a qualitative examination of the policy document and focus group discussion. The results highlight how important strong records management systems are to guaranteeing accountability, transparency, and evidence-based decision-making. This paper also highlights some of the opportunities and challenges that the field of archives and records management is facing. Towards the end, the article suggests ways that archives might have been incorporated into the Malawi 2063 Vision to enhance the nation's ability to fulfil its development goals. The study adds to the expanding body of research on the value of archives and records management in advancing development goals and suggests that Malawi's archives and records management practices be strengthened.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0376-4753