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The who, what, when and where of archival and records management research in the Esarbica region, 1969–2018
This study aims to employ informetric research techniques to investigate the research production in archives and records management in the East and Central African Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (ECARBICA) since its inception in 1969 until 2018. A search query “archive’* or ‘record*management’”, limited to ESARBICA member states between 1969 and 2018, was conducted on Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), and AJOL databases. The results suggested that there has been a significant increase in the production of research in archives and a few authors produce research in records management in the region over the past ten years, but the bulk of this knowledge, and not all countries in the region produce knowledge. The key producers of knowledge published their work in journals indexed by databases that may require subscriptions, which may limit access to many in the region. It is recommended that archives and records management scholars in Africa consider publishing their work in open access journals to ensure that the research is accessible to all in the region. The importance of research in archives and records management cannot be overemphasised, because public records have a direct impact on individuals’ lives. Research suggests that the most obvious way for archivists and records managers to enhance their resourcefulness is through education and research. Furthermore, research in archives and records management can help to inform education and solve societal challenges. That said, the ESARBICA region is experiencing challenges when it comes to human resource development and capacity building, among other things.