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A Study of ὄχλους (Crowd) In Matthew 5:1: Implication For Asante-Twi Bible Readers

J. E. T. Kuwornu-Adjaottor
Samuel Kodom


The Bible came to us in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek; through the ages, it has been translated into many languages. But does it lose its meaning when translated? This has been a question for most people who read and used the Bible. Using the Mother-tongue Biblical Hermeneutics methodology, this paper delves into the meaning of the akuakuo in the Asante-Twi context and its usage in Matthew 5:1 to represent Jesus seeing the multitude; vis-à-vis an exegesis of the Greek word ὄχλους, to find its equivalence in the Asante-Twi. The study brought to light that, akuakuo implies groups, which the Greek text does not talk about; and therefore, dɔwhich refers to crowd or multitude is the best for the rendition of ὄχλους. The paper has thus added a Ghanaian/African interpretation of Matthew 5:1. It is being recommended to the Bible Society of Ghana that, in the future revision of the Asante-Twi Bible, nnipadɔm should be used to translate “crowd” in Matthew 5:1.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957