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A Comparative Study of the Israelites Kingship System and the Ashanti Tradition

Boadu Kankam
Frimpong Wiafe


Kingship implies centralized leadership, standing armies and unified authority. This essay focuses on comparative study of the kinship systems of the Israelites and the Ashanti of the Akan tradition in Ghana. It studies the stages of development through which the two traditions passed as kingship emerged, and focuses upon the stage of chiefdom when kings offered leadership on the stead of theocracy. Existing literature were reviewed for this comparison. Through this historical review, it becomes clear that both traditions are religiously (theocratically) inclined in their kingship transactions and that both give much reverence to their kings. They view kingship as symbol of authority. Notwithstanding, whiles the Ashanti pour libation as a way of invoking the spirit, the Israelites mostly use the Bible as a medium. It is recommended that since the two states adhere to common cultural practices, they can jointly organize cultural festivals to showcase their culture.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957