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The Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity As Witnessed By Brother Gregory Of Nazianzus And Brother Augustine Of Hippo And Its Implication For A Relevant Appreciation Of The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit in the Church Today
In today’s theological circles there is a silent maxim that ‘there is no theology without the foundational doctrine of the Holy Trinity’. In that light, this paper is an attempt to bring to the fore, some of the contemporary contributions or claims regarding the Holy Trinity. It shows the lopsided emphasis placed on the economic Trinity in its relation with the immanent Trinity. It examines the claims of contemporary Trinitarian doctrine in the light of the classical formulation which was arguably in its final form based upon the formulations of Gregory of Nazianzus and Augustine of Hippo. The classical view is that the immanent Trinity though distinct is intertwined with economic Trinity. Their importance resides in the Christian life and in edifying the body of Christ. The demur of contemporary theology regarding the classical emphasis on the immanent as the contemplation of economic Trinity is found in this paper to be exaggerated and unbiblical. Therefore, by this paper the classical or traditional doctrine of the Holy Trinity is upheld.