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Pentecostalism, Church-State Co-Operation In Education And Healthcare In Ghana
This article examines and evaluates how the Ghanaian state and Pentecostal church can co-operate to bring relief to citizens via education and healthcare. The currents of public theology in the areas of education and healthcare present in Ghanaian Pentecostalism today are given serious critical engagement. Empirical evidences are compared with scholarly research in public theology to produce insights of the Ghanaian Pentecostal church’s theology in the spheres of education, and healthcare. While it may be true that the state is obliged to provide good and quality employment, education and healthcare to citizens, Ghanaian Pentecostals have begun to realise that the state cannot carry the burden alone. They maintain that a Christian discipleship must respond to all aspects of the Ghanaian life: spiritual, psychological, social, and economic. Through critical engagement this article seeks to formulate a theological construct for church-state relations in the granting of education and healthcare to Ghanaians.