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The Relationship Between Biblical Concept of Creation and Human Innovation”: A Theological Reflection on the Subject
This paper examines the relevance of innovation for humanity by using the model of theological interpretation. It is an effort to explore the general concept of innovation from the Biblical perspective. The Creation stories in the biblical record reveal God as the sole Creator of the universe and everything in it. As to whether there is someone else with the ability to create is much to be desired. From the biblical point of view, we understand that God created out from both existing and nonexistent material (Gen.1and 2). Three Hebrew words (bara’, yasar and ‘asah) were used to describe the existence of humanity. Out of the three Hebrew words it is discovered that the word bara is used to describe the works of deities or divine beings. It is found out that through the use of the Hebrew word ’asah, human beings derived an ethical obligation to display loyalty to God. Part of the obligation is an innovation which can be found in (Gen. 1:28). Some discoveries are made out of innovation such as electricity, mobile phone, vehicle, airplane, among others. serve as catalysts to boost agriculture, industry, economic and social sectors of human life. Even though God is the creator of the universe, He has given humanity the power and authority to create out of what has been created. Human creativity is what is referred to as innovation