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Environmental Degradation and Poverty in Amansie Traditional Area: Investigating the Contributing Factors and the Role of Religion

Charles Owusu Ampofo


Environmental degradation and poverty are challenges faced in most parts of the world, and the global quest by some researchers to know the role religious bodieson should play in relation to these issues of concern continues unabated. The ripple effect of these challenges manifests in many areas such as socially, economically, morally, and spiritually. However, the prevailing factors within localities vary, hence requiring wholistic investigations peculiar to a community. Notably, these challenges cannot only be addressed by Government hence the call on Rreligious Bodiesn as an institution to assist in curbing this menace. This paper investigates the factors contributing to environmental degradation and poverty in Amansie Traditional Area and the role religion should play in addressing these challenges. Questionnaires and interviews were administered to assess these factors from townsfolks, religious leaders, institution heads, and other stakeholders. The results revealed significant factors contributing to these challenges and the roles both African Tradition and Christianity should play in addressing these challenges. The study recommends a strong collaborative effort from all stakeholders, especially religious institutions, in educating and sensitizing the people of Amansie on the issues of environmental sustainability and poverty alleviation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957