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Apostle Paul’s Fundraising Economic Theory of Savings and Social Change

Iddrisu Shaibu Adam


This article critically explores the idea of savings from the New Testament perspective, particularly, using the Pauline fundraising strategy. It argues that the direction given by Apostle Paul regarding the fundraising of the Gentile Christians constitute an informal economic theory of savings. Content analysis was used in reviewing relevant literature for the study. It was established that the directions Paul gave to the Gentile Christians regarding the fund raising constitute informal savings principles. Additionally, Pauline fundraising strategies was eschatological and relational in nature. The paper concludes that Paul’s fundraising was centered on three concepts namely, generosity, gratitude and mission. In this regard, Paul’s fundraising economic theory had the sole aim of bringing social change in the lives of the Jewish Christians.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957