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Leadership by Example: A Theological Discourse on Humility
Humility is one of the virtues required for leadership in all sectors of life. It is clearly demonstrated in the Bible in various forms by the various leaders raised by God. Among the many signs of demonstration is the feet washing undertaken by Jesus for his disciples. Through this, He recommends his followers to emulate in their leadership responsibilities. This paper is a critical study of the text John 13:4-5. The theological discourse method was used on humility which must be a coveted virtue in leadership by example today. It means letting God use both your strengths and weaknesses to accomplish His will and glorify His name. Thus, the text will be looked at with a critical lens to come out with the intent of the text. The study reveals that any leader who wants to be successful must be humble. The paper recommends that leaders should examine themselves and find out the kind of leadership style they are exhibiting for their followers.