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Christian Schools In Ghana And Stated Identity: The Case Of Christian Service University College, Kumasi
Is a school tagged Christian because it was established by a Christian, Christian organization or a church? It has been argued that even though it is not wrong to classify religious institutions by their relation to a church or a religious body, that in itself does not indicate how close an institution is or the extent to which a particular church or its theological beliefs and practices actually influence a college or university. A number of faith-based tertiary institutions have emerged on the educational scene in Ghana in the past few decades with a number of them established by churches and Christian bodies. Just like churches, people have a lot of expectations from Christian institutions. This paper has sought to examine one such Christian institution in Ghana to find out if its Christian identity is as stated or is simply assumed. This will then set the stage for further research into other unique characteristics of Christian institutions. The paper employs the qualitative case study approach in analysing the Christian Service University College’s stated identity, expressed in its core values, vision and mission statements, from the perspective of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). The findings are that Christian Service University College (CSUC) has a clearly stated Christian identity that has been expressed adequately in its core values, vision and mission statements. It is therefore recommended that with this foundational block in place, CSUC will employ the needed human and financial resources to see the institution function to meet its mission goals and other outcomes expected of a Christian Institution. This paper contributes to the deepening of knowledge on Christian Education and the need to get the foundations right in establishing a Christian institution at all levels of the educational system.