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The Concept of the “Fear of God” In the Wisdom Literature: Implication for Reformation of Society and National Development

Joseph Gyanvi-Blay


The focus of this paper is basically, on the concept of the fear of God in the wisdom literature. A cursory look reveals it is a unifying factor a principle of wisdom and steps or curriculum to wisdom. Content analysis of the wisdom literature is done, and it revealed that the fear of God is to hate evil or turn away from evil and lead a blameless life. Some of the benefits are long life, security, confidence and hope during the time of crisis. In literature, the concept is arranged first in Proverbs as the foundation of wisdom, an embodiment of wisdom in Job and conclusion of life in Qoheleth. The pedagogical steps of acquiring wisdom through the fear of God will equip every Ghanaian learner with the mature conscience of knowing what is right and being delighted to do it.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957