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Challenges of Equal Church Policies on Rural Pastors and Congregants: The Case of Three Classical Pentecostal Churches in Ghana

Job Wiredu


Classical Pentecostal Churches in Ghana have various policies to guide their operations such as; administrative structure, functions of various office holders, their terms of office, activities guidelines and many more. Using the qualitative research approach, the paper finds out challenges faced by rural Classical Pentecostal Pastors, families, and congregants in Ghana with regards to policy generalization, which often fails to address some specific challenges of rural folks. Based on results from interviews conducted, this paper offers various recommendations which if adopted would help minimize the challenges of marginalization faced by pastors, their families and the church congregants to the enhancement of their holistic development.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957