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A Reflection on African Christian Theology

Konadu Adam
Collins Boafo


The African heritage and identity have been intensely religious. Africans carry along their religio-cultural background and tradition wherever they go and in whatever they find themselves doing. Africans embraced Christian theology while having already imbibed and appreciated African theology and identity. Being religious beings, African Christians have sought to appreciate Christian theology through the lens of African theology and heritage. This paper establishes that African Christian theology should go beyond championing African heritage and identity. It should rather be proactive and go a step further to address the challenges and ills of human society in the African setting. This will make it worthy as a source of hope for hopeless Africans in their religious existence. Using secondary data resources from the internet, and published and unpublished literature in the form of books and journal articles, this work discusses African Christian theology and the way forward. It is the ardent hope of the authors that African Christians and theologians develop the need to see theology beyond the lens of the African identity and rather contemplate how theology can be therapeutic to the ills and challenges of the African society.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957