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A Thematic and Literary Analysis of Amos 5:4-7, 10-15: Implications for Ghanaian Leaders
This paper conducted a thematic and literary study of the book of Amos to ascertain how Amos’ message should inform contemporary Christianity. The prophet ministered to pre-exilic Israelites who were about to be destroyed because they had abandoned their covenantal responsibilities. The rich trampled upon and exploited the poor and the weak. Amos’ message was meant to call attention to the impending judgment and to give hope of future restoration. This paper used literary analysis to examine key themes in the book of Amos; including, Israel’s covenant relationship with Yahweh, Israel’s sin, call to repentance, social justice and future restoration. The study also provides a useful model for contemporary Ghanaian leaders on God’s expectations for governance and leadership responsibilities, especially towards the vulnerable in the society.