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Paul’s Charge to Timothy Concerning Sound Doctrine and its Significance to the Contemporary Church

Eric Oti Boateng


The purpose of this study is to unravel the relevance of Paul’s charge and instructions to his protégé (Timothy) concerning sound doctrine. The discourse is to assist the church today in examining and understanding the importance of sound doctrine. Also, the study sought to ascertain pastoral responsibilities in upholding sound doctrine in the church. Qualitative data was gathered through interviews and focus group discussions. Church members and pastors who were the main respondents of the study were sampled purposively. The study unveils that sound doctrine is a teaching that is in consonance and consistent with God’s word, the teachings of Jesus Christ and that of the Early Church. The study also argues that sound teaching should focus on Christ and nothing else. The study recommends that teachings in the various churches should greatly reflect on the truth in God’s word, elevate the person and works of Christ and throw more light on the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers. The study contributes to the current research on sound doctrine in Ghana.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957