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Dialogue as a Means of Improving Ties Between Christians and Muslims
Today’s religious quandary globally suggests little doubt as to whether religious fanaticism and differences in religious ideologies are to blame for catastrophes such as war, violence, hatred, conflicts and many others. One would think that religious peace is one way to build a peaceful world but others do not perceive it as such. This study is intended to analyze and discuss scholarly views pertaining to religious dialogue. A qualitative research methodology is used to, collect primary data through observations and secondary data from many published materials on the subject matter. The findings indicated that dialogue requires a collective effort between Christians and Muslims. It allows Christians and Muslims to discover one another, as well as the positive dreams and peaceful ambitions that are all too often hidden in their hearts. Indeed, it is necessary to underline the current situation of Christianity and Islam in terms of dialogue modalities and shared values and beliefs. They will assist both religions in nurturing a welcoming attitude, openness, acceptance, respect for human dignity, and freedom, regardless of one’s beliefs or religious convictions.The author recommends that despite their differences, Christians and Muslims should respect one another and use dialogue as a technique or mechanism for conflict resolution. This piece will contribute positively towards the fight against religious intolerance, particularly between Christians and Muslims, as well as individuals of other faiths.
Keywords: Dialogue, Tolerance, Christians, and Muslims.