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The Importance Of Christian Youth Ministry Involvement In Community Development In The Mayibuye Community

Mawethu Msebi


This article reports on the findings of the Christian youth ministry involvement in community development in the Mayibuye community (Tembisa-Gauteng Province, South Africa). The article employed the use of Richard Osmer’s model of the four tasks of practical theological interpretation in describing and analysing the situation in the Mayibuye community.  The tasks sought to give an understanding of what is happening in youth ministry and community development contexts in the Mayibuye community. The study relied on both documentary analysis and in-depth semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that several socio-economic challenges antagonize local communities, and young people are the most affected, as they possess a more significant number amongst all community sectors. The findings further discovered that the youth and youth ministry involvement is limited in community development processes amid local communities. In this light, the Mayibuye community has been experiencing a low level of education, gender inequity, unemployment, sexual-related challenges, substance abuse, and illicit conduct amongst the social ills. The study introduced promoting values, enhanced respect for others, driving service with integrity, and more as the benefits of youth ministry involvement in community development. The study also recommended further empirical studies on youth ministry involvement in community development, enhancement of collaboration between local religious communities and government, and engagement of young people in community development processes.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957