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Emotional Integrity: Implications for the Ghanaian Youth from a Pastoral Perspective

Jacob Kwame Opata


This research, conducted from a pastoral perspective, explored the concept of emotional integrity and its implications for the Ghanaian youth. While the study of emotions has been extensively examined from psychological, philosophical, and biological perspectives, there is a need to explore the subject from a pastoral standpoint. Given the increasing prevalence of emotional challenges among young people in Ghana, and the religious nature of the country, it is essential to examine this topic within an African context. This study employed qualitative research methods within a theological framework and utilized both primary and secondary data sources to illustrate various aspects of emotional development within Ghanaian society. Primary data principally comprised “media materials data,” also referred to as “qualitative audio and visual materials.” Secondary data was obtained from published academic materials. The research emphasized the heightened emotional instabilities within the country. It also emphasized the significant role of the Church in providing guidance, support, and healing to address these challenges. The study highlighted the importance of examining emotional integrity within the Church’s preaching and service, emphasizing the need to prioritize love over fear-based manipulation. By adopting a holistic approach that combines religious and relevant non-religious approaches, the Church can effectively address emotional issues, facilitate healing, and promote the overall well-being of the Ghanaian youth. This research sets the stage for a deeper exploration of emotional integrity and its implications for the Ghanaian youth within a pastoral view. It contributes to the understanding of emotional integrity from a pastoral perspective and provides insights into how the Church can play a vital role in empowering young individuals to navigate emotional challenges and foster their personal and spiritual growth.

Keywords: Emotional Integrity, Pastoral Perspective, Ghanaian Youth, Well-Being, Sexual Impropriety, Violence, Anger, drug abuse.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957