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A Solution to the Duration Problem of Daniel 12:11–12

Charles R. Lightner


The last few verses of the Hebrew Book of Daniel are famously difficult. Among other issues, they present a duration problem that has long seemed intractable. But they also contain a key that provides a solution to the problem. That key is signaled by the lack of parallelism between the Aramaic expression of Daniel 7:25b and the Hebrew expression of Daniel 12:7b. The solution it allows is both accessible and expected. In his closing verses, the author of the book of Daniel created a mechanism to convey his view of the proper cultic calendar. That view places him securely among the other writers of early Jewish apocalypse literature and among the authors of much of the sectarian and non-sectarian literature of the last three centuries BCE. This paper reviews the duration problem and its elements. It also examines and discusses the prior attempts to solve the problem. It then presents and discusses a solution that was made available in the author’s text but has not been previously recognized.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957