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The Accra Confession and Public Theology in African Christianity: The Ghanaian Experience
The study examined the Accra Confession as a Public Theology document and how it provides theological resources for Christian responses to contemporary social challenges in Ghana. The faith document that was developed in Ghana invites the church to participate in Christian public witness. It affirmed the importance of the gospel in addressing contemporary social and economic challenges and recognizes the need for the church to maintain a prophetic voice in the face of oppression, exploitation and exclusion. The article argued that the Public Theology document provides the necessary resources that are needed for the public witness of the church in Ghana after its almost two decades in existence and therefore any form of disconnection and silence need to be identified and addressed. Ghana is currently confronted with developmental challenges like poverty, hunger and unemployment. The faith document contains the necessary theological perspectives that the church needs in the effort to pursue social change. It’s awakening and continuous conversation in the church definitely will contribute to the Christian public witness in Ghana. The study recommended that churches must integrate the theological insights in the Accra Confession into their churches’ structures and Christian education programmes. It further recommended awakening and continuous conversation of the Accra Confession in congregations. Using the qualitative research method, the author examined available materials on the Reformed church and theology to throw more highlights on the issue. Attention was further given to reports from the WARC gathering at Accra in 2004 in which the author was a participant.