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An Exploration into the Public Theology of the Basel Missionary Society in Ghana
The article seeks to explore the Public Theology of the Basel Mission that gave birth to the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG). The article argues that the theology of the Basel Mission emphasised the integration of the Christian faith and social action for social transformation. It held a position that the gospel message of Jesus Christ should not only address the spiritual needs of individuals but also their social, health, educational, environmental and economic needs. The church should therefore be actively involved in promoting justice, equality and human rights, particularly for the marginalised and vulnerable members of society. The study paid attention to the works of Hans Debrunner, Noel Smith and Kwamena-Poh who pursued various studies on the Basel Mission and the Presbyterian Church of Ghana for the actualization of the Public Theology of the Basel Mission on the operations of the Basel Mission. The study concludes that the Basel Mission has made a significant contribution to the development of Public Theology in Ghana as it has equally done so in the social transformation of Ghana. The study further makes recommendations for the churches in Ghana to consider the Public Theology of the Basel Mission, including Theology of Vocation, Prayer and Work (ora et labora) and the Bible and the Plough to serve as a drive in their pursuit of Public Theology and public witness.