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The Role of Religion in Transforming Ghanaian Society: A Christian Perspective
Globally, while some scholars assert that religion is anachronistic and inhibits the human rights of people and frustrates the social progress of society, others are of the opinion that religion can be a catalyst for the transformation and development of individuals and groups. In Ghana, the role of religion in society is very much ambivalent. On the one hand, religion is a force for change and transformation in the lives of individuals and society. On the other hand, religion has also been the basis of intractable violence, conflict and turbulent divisions within families and among groups. This article, which is based on archival materials, seeks to investigate the role of religion in Ghanaian society and to determine what extent it can be a force for change and transformation. The article argues that, religion has the potential to bring about change and transformation in society, but this can only happen when the different creedal persuasions, especially Christians bring their faith to bear on their actions in the practice of everyday life. The article concludes that, the power of religion to occasion change and transformation in the different sectors of society depends on how Christians surmount the challenges of everyday life and synergize faith and works in the private and public spheres of life.