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Fostering Religious Harmony Through the Inclusive Understanding of Some Exclusive Verses in the Bible and the Qur'an – A Case of Indonesia

Samuel Benyamin Hakh


The problem that often arises in Indonesian society is the occurrence of clashes in society as a result of the use of certain texts, both in the Bible and the Qur’an, for certain purposes. The purpose of this article was to explore the use of certain texts in the Bible and the Qur’an, which are understood exclusively, with certain interests ethnically, socially, politically and economically, thus creating a clash. The results of this understanding are conveyed as absolute truth from God so that no one can deny it. As a result, hate speech and conflict have emerged in Indonesian society. The research method used was a descriptive qualitative method which involved collecting materials in the form of books and articles and analyzing them. The results revealed a need for the formation of an inclusive understanding between the two religions so that a life dialogue occurs to maintain harmonious relations in Indonesian society. State the recommendations that have been made as well. This article invites religions in Indonesia, especially Christianity and Islam, to understand their respective holy books inclusively, to build a life together that is harmonious and peaceful.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957