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Providentia Missio Dei amid Adverse Global Conflicts
Since its reinterpretation in the second half of the 20th century, the Missio Dei has become a primary missiological framework that embraces human redemption as the direct work or by-product of God’s intervention. Accordingly, or under the premise of divina providentia (divine providence), the Missio Dei then emphasizes God’s absolute stewardship and preservation of all of His creation, which includes but is not limited to human creation. Although the idea of divine providence may understandably at times be questioned, it may equally be invoked by those in desperate search of divine salvific intervention or protection in the face of tragedy and adversity. That is to say, faith in divine providence may be relied upon perhaps to reinforce the much-desired salvivic hope amid hardships such as destructive conflicts of the world. That being said, or to the extent that global conflicts not only damage the very nature of human societies but also worsen a crisis of faith in divine existence, constant theological justification of the divine providential plan encompassing salvation remains an absolute necessity. Consequently, this paper combines both missio Dei and divine providence to form the providentia missio Dei as a systematic framework in missiology redefining divine salvific acts amid global chaos. Accordingly, both the systematic and integrative literature research methods are utilized to reconcile Divine Providence and the missio Dei into Providentia missio Dei.