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Influence of Ex-Convicts' Age Range and Educational Status on Family Social Support in their Reintegration into the Community: Implications for Correctional Services’ Rehabilitation Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Monday L.V. Shammah


This study examined the influence of the age range and educational status of ex-convicts on family social support and their reintegration into the community. Forty (40) male ex-convicts (participants) were drawn from the Minimum Security Correctional Centre, Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. They responded to a modified version of the “Interpersonal support evaluation list: shortened version-12 items-scale (Cohen, Merstein, Kamarek & Hoberman, 1985), adopted for the study. A One-Way between group means analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether there were age range and educational status differences in the influence of family social support in the reintegration of the ex-convicts into the community. The results revealed that the age range has no statistical significance difference at .05 level for the three groups; F (2, 37) =2.003, P>0.05. This means ex-convicts’ age range did not influence the type of social support given to them by members of their families during their reintegration into the community. As such, the first hypothesis was not upheld. With regards to educational status, the analysis showed a statistically significant difference at .05 level for the four groups; F (3, 37) =22.38, P<0.05. This means ex-convicts’ educational status has a significant influence on the type of family social support given to them during their reintegration into the community. As such, it was concluded that ex-convicts need crime-focused rehabilitation services in addition to the basic general rehabilitation services given to inmates to enhance the various levels of social support given to ex-convicts during their reintegrated into their communities. The findings were discussed in line with existing relevant literature. In doing so, it was discovered that the findings of the research can contribute to the training of Correctional Personnel and enhance their rehabilitation programs and techniques.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957