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The Adversities of Secondary Parenting faced by the Older Persons in Alice, South Africa: Social Work implications

Simon Murote Kang’ethe


The phenomenon of secondary parenting, in some contexts, presents both a pernicious and a perfidious experience to older persons who should be enjoying their sunset years with some level of relief and respite. The study aimed to explore the adversities experienced by the older persons linked to Lavela Old Age Centre, in Alice South Africa. The study took the form of community engagement sessions. Data was collected from 12 older persons linked to the Centre. Findings established that secondary parenting was burdensome, exacerbated their states of poverty, and was riddled with various health deficits among the grandparents, pockets of conflicts, and care deficits of their grandchildren. The study recommended that the older persons need to be assisted to facilitate stress-free secondary parenting so that they can enjoy old age respite; the younger generation should not leave the burden of caring for their children to the older persons; and all and sundry need to recognise that the task was stressing the health and wellbeing of the older persons. Social workers are called upon to strengthen their advocacy skills imploring the societies, NGOs, and the government to increase assistance to the older persons to carry a stress-free secondary parenting and enjoy successful ageing. The study advises the younger generation not to leave their responsibilities of taking care of their children to the older persons. The study also adds literature to the domain of gerontology as well as rings the bell for policymakers to understand and address the plight of secondary parenting as an exploitative endeavour for older persons.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7338
print ISSN: 2821-8957