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The gender parity imperative: policy actions for inclusive development in Nigeria

Precious C. Ukaegbu


Gender issues in Nigeria predominate despite efforts to address them through structural and policy reforms. This paper examines the roots of gender inequality in Nigeria and its effect on national development. It also offers actionable recommendations to advance gender equity and ensure a more inclusive and prosperous future for all Nigerians. These gender inequality issues are exacerbated by regional disparities within Nigeria, with women in rural and Northern areas especially disadvantaged. Critical barriers to achieving gender equality include cultural norms, economic obstacles, and the poor enforcement of existing gender laws. The recommendations to solve these problems include community-level sensitisation programmes engaging community leaders, more robust law enforcement, and comprehensive education reforms implementing gender-responsive curricula. Intensifying support systems for gender-based violence (GBV) victims through special courts and shelters is also crucial. It is estimated that closing the gender gap could boost the global economy by US$7 trillion (UN Women, 2024). Therefore, achieving gender equality is a moral imperative and the key to unlocking Nigeria's growth potential. This intricate approach is essential for driving inclusive national development and ensuring women can contribute fully to economic and social prosperity in Nigeria. 

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